// Implement


ReImagine Passion, Purpose and Freedom WITH ADHD

meet the coach

In 2018, a rehab journey led to a surprising revelation: undiagnosed ADHD. With this discovery, pieces of a lifelong puzzle finally fell into place. Shane had always known that he viewed the world a bit differently, but understanding that ADHD was part of his story helped explain the why behind so many experiences.

At 45, Shane realized that a lot of life's twists and turns could be traced back to not fully grasping his ADHD. Despite this late discovery, he dove into learning everything he could, eager to reshape his life script into something that truly worked for him. It wasn't an easy path, as he found that local support was hard to come by and the broader medical approach was often too focused on disorders rather than understanding the deep-seated emotional challenges that come with ADHD.

But the hurdles only fueled Shane's passion to make a difference for others. Studying under the mentorship of Laurie Dupar at the iActCenter, he became a Certified ADHD Life Coach in 2020, ready to guide others who might feel lost in the grand scheme of things.

Whether you're a young adult feeling out of place in a neurotypical world or someone who has lost their way, Shane is here to help you find your focus and carve out your own path. His approach is all about collaboration, understanding, and acceptance, working together to turn dreams into reality.

Shane is eager to partner with anyone hungry for change, ready to be that supportive figure in your corner, encouraging you to embrace your unique journey and chase after everything you desire. He firmly believes that with understanding and determination, nothing is impossible.

So if you're looking for someone who gets it, someone who has been there and wants to help you succeed, reach out. Let's start this journey of understanding and growth together?

Shane Anthony Ward

Shane ward

ADHD Coach

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